Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."  

                   Pablo Picasso


"Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon we must vigorously act.  There is no other route to success."

                            Pablo Picasso

"Are we to paint what's on the face, in the face, or what's behind it?"

                            Pablo Picasso






Art Lessons


Mobile convenient & custom services for groups, schools, day cares, nursing facilities, parent or customer appreciation, employees, corporations team spirit events, professional development, workshops, churches,celebrations, girls or guys night, and organizations 

 Our Story

Art it Yourself was founded by a public school teacher who is a Mom. Being a graduate as a child from Cleveland School of the Arts influenced her to continue in studying Art Education and Art Therapy to receiving an Art Specialist License. 
AIY promotes the arts and education.  Our objective is to foster love for the arts through learning, creating, sharing, and having an exciting art making experience.  It is pertinent to make a positive impact in communities and generate joy in all ages.  


Artist Quotes

 You Would Enjoy AIY Because...


Our lessons are FUN with an assortment in content and use of media, techniques.  Students will experience many phases of art such as drawing, painting, printmaking, collaging, three dimensional sculpturing, recyclable art, and more.  We present an innovative, age appropriate, and ability level curriculum.  No lessons are repeated unless requested.  We keep learners engaged and entertained!


Art it Yourself Annual Student Art Exhibit

Three Dimensional Art

Did You Know?

Art can lead to a positive change and growth.  It builds confidence through art making. It helps individuals learn how to resolve peer conflict and make positive decisions.  Art is a motivator in releasing stress and releasing energy.


Art doesn't discriminate.  It has no age, color, size, ability, or gender boundaries.  We can all benefit from being active in the arts.



Selecting an art program can be confusing. For one, how do you know they're qualified to help you achieve your artistic goals. Then, there's the worry that they won't show up, or worse, they ruin your space. Here's a few things for you to consider: 


Innovative art lessons for children and adults that make you want to come back!

  1. All teachers are professional artists and teachers who are trained.
  2. Most children lessons are enriched based from the core curriculum including math, reading, science, and social studies. 
  3. We teach step by step at a reasonable pace.
  4. Instructors return classroom to original condition after completing projects.